Network topology trick: system A can connect to B & C n vice versa but B & C shouldn’t connect each other
Let’s play around network and create a setup that we might need for some use case. Create a network topology setup in such a way so that System A can ping to System B and System C but both these systems should not be pinging each other. That so without using any security rule like firewall etc.

First launch 3 systems in same network. Here to setup IP as 1, 2 and 3.

Now remove all routes from routing table so we can set it as our need

Now’s to create such setup, in system A add both system B & C routing rules so that A can connect to B & C. Also in B & C add system A’s route so that both can connect to system A.

All set. Note that system B & C don’t have any rules added for each other so that they both can’t connect to each other.
Finally we can check connectivity by pinging,

Here we can see that system A can ping to system B & C and vice versa. But system B & C are unreachable to each other..!